The Rattray Clan Association unites Rattrays across North America through events and social media and is committed to offering educational resources that delve into history and traditions. This association serves as a bridge, connecting individuals to their heritage and fostering a deep appreciation for Scottish culture and lineage.

Arial is utilized for its legibility and compatibility with web interfaces, ensuring seamless online representation. The combination of light blue, green, orange, cream, and dark brown reflects Scotland's scenic landscapes and historical significance and links to the colors in the ancient tartan.

Central to the logo's design is incorporating the Triquetra symbol, which carries profound significance, representing The Holy Trinity. The Triquetra echoes the spiritual dimensions of tradition and signifies the interconnectedness of Rattrays. An orange heart is intertwined with this symbol, embodying the enduring love for Scotland and its commitment to preserving its heritage.

A user-friendly website allows individuals to access historical insights and engage with fellow clan members.
The website respects tradition, with dozens of resources to further ancestral research. Future development is underway to have events and merchandise, offering a space where past, present, and future Rattrays can connect and celebrate their shared identity.

Rattray Clan Association


Rattray Clan Association
